Friday, 28 December 2012


National Chapter Of CCLP Worldwide in Lithuania
The International Organization of Education Charter- CCLP Worldwide is one of the major participant of UN Global compact movement with national level participation as academic participant and NGO participant in as many as 12 countries in the world starting from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Kuwait, USA, Nigeria, Ghana, France Spain, Hungary, Germany and Lithuania being latest Chapter to join UN Global Compact.
Mr. Jagmohan Singh Bajaj , Chief Executive of National Chapter

Mr. Jagmohan Singh Bajaj is the Chief Executive (Head of the delegation) and official contact person of National Chapter of Lithuania. He may be contacted at

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The International Organization has been actively advocating anti corruption movement led by UNODC against Corruption. Being the international organization member of UNCAC Coalition CCLPW delegation had attended numerous UN events and supported events.This time CCLPW headquarter organize the special event for anti-corruption.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

UN partners acknoweledge support of Civil Societies for the success of RIO+20

United Nations partners (UNESCO, UNEP,Global Compact, PRME and UN University) supporting the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), have acknowledged and thank our institution's commitment to sustainable development. CCLP Worldwide's commitment to HESI contributed to the success of Rio+20 – the UN Conference on Sustainable Development which took place 20-22 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil