Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Education for Emergency Situations

COVID-19 has radically changed the way education is delivered and it has had a significant impact on learners' education. All educational systems around the world have had to move their lessons into an online platform in record time, which unfortunately did not allow many schools and teachers to prepare appropriately for this situation leading to a negative impact on students' learning. According to World Bank Education, based on information gathered on others from other outbreaks such as Ebola, this impact is highly damaging in developing countries, which already present disadvantages to access education. To read more visit Edupedia

Friday, 3 April 2020

CBSE update-press release for board examination class 10 and 12 in 2020

#cbseboardexams #cbseupdate #cbsenews #cbseexamspostponed #cbselatestnews
On 1st April 2020, CBSE issued a press release to inform the public about the latest situation in the mid of corona pandemic.
Since Corona outbreak many questions, misconceptions and queries are looming large in the mind of students regarding their examination, evaluation etc.
Even the students of Class 9 and below also have questions in this situation and CBSE by this press release tried to clear the doubts and queries. The actual press release of the CBSE may be found at https://cbse.nic.in and in this video, all eight important points have been explained.
To know more watch the video

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Application For Good School Rating

  1. The Applicant School must be running at the time of application and completed at least one academic session ( Minimum one year ).
  2. The Applicant School must be recognized by the competent authority of Education (Competent government department)
  3. The Applicant School must understand that the certificate of registration as school is different from the certificate of recognition. Hence No certificate of registration will be entertained in place of recognition certificate.
  4. The School must have a physical campus to carry out its activities. Hence Online Schools are not eligible to apply.
  5. The Play School or Montessori or known by whatever name are not eligible for application.
  6. The eligible school are also required to send an official letter by email for this application duly signed by the head of the Institution.
  7. The International Organization has started taking applications for Good School rating, however, no time frame is set for the constitution of the inspection committee to check the merit of the application.
  8. It is expected that the application will be cleared within 90 days from application.
  9. The International Organization of Education Charter — CCLP Worldwide and its Inspection Committee don’t charge any fee for the processing of the application. Hence the Applicant is not required to pay any fee.
  10. For any specific query direct your email to info@cclpworldwide.com with the subject “ query for GSR”.
  11. Good School Public rating is not available for schools where one or more management person(s) is/are associated with CCLP Worldwide or its chapter in an official capacity.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Interactive Whiteboard is a new possibility in education

In the last few years education especially teaching has undergone paradigm change or you can say complete transformation.
With the entry of smartphones, conventional teaching is replaced with hi-tech new gadgets and some of the gadget and system have been proved worthwhile in delivering in the classroom.
Yes, I am talking about interactive whiteboard which has now replaced years of the projector-based digital board. 2020 is certainly not the age of projector and screen but of tech innovation.
Initially, interactive whiteboard did come with projectors and computers and things were not as promising as today when interactive whiteboard comes as a single unit as an interactive flat panel display (IFPD).
The interactive flat panel display comprises of many features which assist in good teaching or presentation or serious dialogue engagement.
Some of the unique feature of IFPD
Easy & Handy: handling this board is as easy and handy as a simple smartphone. As it comprises all the app and functioning which is used in a smartphone. So working on this board doesn’t require any special training and smartphone users can instantly work on this board.
Seamless engagement: One of the key features of this IFPD is that presenter or teacher can easily get this system connected with smartphone, laptop or tablet of audience. The work of presenter can be shared to the audience or vice versa.
Interactive presentation: One of the unique features of this board is that it can be used as whiteboard and teacher or presenter can actually write directly with hands or pen on the board and also save it for future reference. The presenter can always add by hand any topic on his existing presentation or allow the audience to do the same.
Use of plenty of apps: The system allows to download and use plenty of apps under android or any other system. The presenter just needs a wifi or RJ cable internet to download his favourite app for presentation. With the use of apps, the area of performance is always expanding.
High-resolution screen: All IFPDs come at high resolution. It means it starts with HD resolution and goes up to 4k resolution. it perfectly works even in the well-lighted room ( Not required to make the room dark).
Compact and Size: It comes in various size and one can opt for the best suited for his or her requirement.
The live demo of the IFPD Board is well presented in this video
Watch above video till the end to have complete knowledge of smart interactive whiteboard.

Monday, 15 April 2019

smart study tips for students

#howtoprepareforexams #smartstudytipsforstudents #studysmarttips https://youtu.be/Qh_Zrzgltnw